My first Practitioner Article Published!

I wrote last fall about the fun I had teaching in a local 5th grade classroom.  I had crafted an inquiry lesson on matter involving separating a mixture based on properties.  I submitted my lesson to NSTA's Science and Children, and I am happy to report it was accepted and recently published.   The good news is you don't have to be a member of NSTA to access the article along with the linked resources to teach this in your own classroom.  Here's the link and be sure to visit the resource link at the end of the article so that you can download the activity sheets and assessment.

The students loved it and were really engaged throughout.  I think it can be helpful to read through someone else's experience of teaching a lesson.  Some things worked well, others I learned from.  If you get a chance to teach this lesson, please let me know how it went for you!